I was born on January the 22 nd , 1946 in Wroclaw. Now my
permanent address is in Legnica.
I graduated from the Wroclaw Academy
of Fine Arts in 1970.
Towards the end of my studies I adopted the radicalism of the Wroclaw vanguard
artists. Then
I gradually and willingly renounced those views. Nowadays
I can be included among artists in the rearguard.
Nevertheless, I believe that what I do is modern painting
in times when anything is possible.
In 1970 - 1981 I participated in the artistic life in Poland. My paintings
were shown at forty nine
collective exhibitions inclusive of eleven national exhibitions
end twelve individual ones which were held at
eight major cultural centres. My paintings are to be
found in collections at home and abroad. Fifty seven of
them are abroad, mainly in Scandinavian countries ( thirty
tree ) - all of them are in the possession of private
Except of the easel painting I was realizing monumental paintings like
frescoes, stained glasses,
mosaics etc. .
I have been paiting for 30 years.
The first decade was a period of artistic education,
The second decade was in 70's. Activ participation in the artistic lifeof the district,
and - to the best of my ability - parycipation in solo or group home exhibitions.
The last 10 years a period of contacts with indywidual receives and renunciation of public actyvitis including exhibition.
It was a time when I created the biggest of my paintigs.